16/03 :  PPL 1.23 has been released

   Pocket propgramming Language version 1.23 has just been released.

Here is the change log:

 - Fixed ListToStr() function bug introduced in 1.22.
 - New Edit_Length, Button_Length, Label_Length, Combobox_Length and Listbox_Length functions in swapi.ppl.
 - Fixed functions Scrollbox_GetRange and Scrollbox_Get for the PocketPC in Swapi.ppl.
 - Added "Auto Hide" option on Procedure Form in PIDE.
 - Fixed PIDE Cut, Copy and Paste menu items.
 - Added support for unicode strings in g_loadfont, g_drawtext, g_drawtextex, g_cachetext, g_textwidth
 - Fixed PIDE to delete .ppc file for forms and .ppl files every time.
 - Fixed Linker to remove unused procs/funcs like before.
 - Fixed linker in debug mode bug.

Download it here: www.arianesoft.ca/download.php?view.29

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