
About ArianeSoft
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PPL 2 Videos
Watch video tutorials about PPL 2.

Discussion Forums
The best place to learn and discuss about PPL. We are very active in our forums, you will get an answer to your questions the same day most of the times within hours.

Newsletters archive
Each month we produce a Newsletter that is sent to all registered users that is loaded with tons of tips and tricks. You can read all past newsletter here.

PPL 1 Video Tutorials
Experience the power of PPL by seeing it in action. Learn how to install PPL, write your first program through nice videos.

Contribute into creating the best source of information about PPL. Find tons of tutorials, source codes and articles on PPL.

Why choose PPL?
Still unsure if PPL is the right choice for you? Read the following to answer your questions.

PPL 1 ScreenShots
Get a nice visual look at what PPL is all about, see the interface, the games that have been created with it, how developing on the PocketPC is easy.

Tech Notes

Review our technical notes here. In-depth articles on programming with PPL.

Press releases
Learn more about our products, what is going to happen and our future here.

Our links
Visit some of our partners.

Old beta forums on
Visit our old forums while PPL was still in beta. You might find some really good information about programming in PPL.

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ArianeSoft Inc.
12500 25ieme avenue
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H1E 1Y4