19/01 :  Pocket Programming Language v1.12 has been released!


Pocket Programming Language v1.12 has just been released.

In this version you will find a revamped PIDE GUI which follows the Windows GUI guidelines more closely and a huge amount of fixes.

To download PPL 1.12 please go to http://www.arianesoft.ca/download.php?list.2

PPL is also available as a Lite version for Free and you can try out the Pro version for 15 days for Free.

Change log:

 - Revamped PIDE interface to follow Windows GUI guidelines more closely.
 - Fixed form code generator if no controls are on form to create correct ppl code.
 - Added mouse events to game map control.
 - Fixed Override statement compiler error bug.
 - Fixed bug in Swapi.ppl Edit_LoadFromList() function.
 - Fixed bug in Swapi.ppl, Control_Show and Control_Hide to keep z-order level on control.
 - Fixed Access Violation error in Component Navigator.
 - Fixed MakeExe() issue when trying to build an Exe for the PPC from the PC.
 - Fixed problem with ForEach() loop with Del() inside.
 - Fixed DelAll() function returning a blank list pointer everytime.
 - Fixed Trim(), LTrim() and RTrim() to support blank strings and to return correct strings.
 - Fixed MCount() not to count sub-matrix group as extra.
 - Fixed ForEach() to work properly with matrix.
 - Fixed MType() to return right type.
 - Fixed package file extraction routines.
 - Fixed some internal package routines bugs.
 - Fixed LoadSpriteFromMem() on PocketPC to support other file types than just bitmaps.
 - Some fixes to the AND operator in PASM.
 - PPLPUSH in PASM now uses UNSIGNED INT values.
 - Fixed ProcessSprites() to recalculate all sprites not just the displayed ones.
 - Added STN_DBLCLK to static.ppl library.
 - Fixed NewSurface to fill the surface with black by default.
 - Fixed Editor installation issues.
 - Fixed Edit_Get in swapi.ppl.
 - Added some defines in Common.ppl for ProgressBar color messages.
 - Fixed LoadSurfaceFromMem() function.
 - Fixed Visual Form Editor to tag form as changed when NameSpace option is changed.
 - Fixed variable untyping internal code to remove array of structure flag from variable.
 - Fixes to PPL multidimensional array row-major ordering.
 - New function ColumnMajor() to change ordering of multidimensional array to Column-major storing.
 - New function RowMajor() to change ordering of multidimensional array to Row-major storing.
 - New functions: SpriteFrameCount(), SetSpriteFrameCount().
 - New functions: SpriteDefaultWidth(), SpriteDefaultHeight().
 - New function: ScaleSprite().
 - Fixed TVN_SELCHANGED and TVN_SELCHANGING for TreeView component in common.ppl.
 - Editor/VFB: User menus have been updated and now work in both the editor and the VFB editor.
 - VFB: FRM meta data has been updated.
 - VFB: Updated some copy write statements.
 - VFB: Added some file header comments.
 - Editor: Changed the names of the files in the editor project to add "ED_" to the beginning of the name except for editor.ppl and editor.prj.
 - VFB: Added the option for namespace code to the forms.
 - VFB: Correct problem with generating valid code with no controls on the form.
 - VFB: Updated all of the forms to add the namespace option.
 - Fixed debugger trace when variables value are invalid.
 - Fixed debug command not to restart the debugging after a breakpoint.
 - New toolbar functions in Swapi.ppl.
 - Fixed toolbar OnClick event message to NM_CLICK.
 - Added notification message support variables in HANDLEEVENTPARAMS macro in Swapi.ppl.
 - Added notify messages to Windows.ppl library.
 - Fixed RadioButton and CheckBox drawing on form in PIDE.
 - Fixed Trackbar help location on MSDN.
 - Fixed Trackbar event messages.
 - New OnHScroll and OnVScroll messages on form.